Sheffield Housing Company making use of brownfield development sites

Sheffield is though facing a major housing shortage, and we are pleased to say that not only is Sheffield Housing Company helping tackle this by providing 2,300 much needed new homes in the next 15 years, but that all the sites currently identified for new housing are brownfield sites – this is defined as “previously developed land”.
There are a number of advantages in using brownfield sites. These include:
- Brownfield sites can become eyesores within areas of existing residential developments. In the case of Sheffield we are providing high quality new housing in areas that have previously seen demolition.
- Redevelopment of such sites helps retain and draw people to an area leading to increased sustainability, for example, local retailers and other services.
- Infrastructure such as drainage, electricity, roads etc tends to already exist in and around such sites.
- Brownfield redevelopment eases pressure on developing greenfield sites
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