’Very good’ results for Sheffield Housing Company
Sheffield Housing Company requested that all of its phase one development sites be certified under BREEAM Communities.
BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is the leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become the de facto measure used to describe a building's environmental performance. BREEAM addresses wide-ranging environmental and sustainability issues and enables developers and designers to prove the environmental credentials of their buildings.
The SHC structure incorporates the need to achieve design quality requirements, and enables the various partners to act as design champions, promoting and enabling the delivery of various requirements including BREEAM Communities certification.
SHC has achieved high quality design for the new homes it is building, whilst maintaining a level of flexibility to ensure the most commercial options remain available.
“Using a defined set of criteria for the creation of sustainable communities means that it is more likely that these are properly considered and sustainable designs are realised. BREEAM was a requirement of the project brief and as such sustainability was a fundamental requirement rather than an undefined aspiration.” Ross Peedle, Architect, John Thompson & Partners
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