Sheffield Housing Company starts work

Contracts have just been signed by two housing firms with Sheffield Council to build 2,300 new homes on derelict sites across the city.
The Sheffield Housing Company (a consortium made up of the Council, Keepmoat Homes and Great Places Housing Group) have signed a 15-year deal to build on sites left empty a decade ago.
Work on the new properties has been scheduled to begin and builders will move on to the first sites next year.
Cllr Harry Harpham, Sheffield Council Cabinet Member for housing said: “I am delighted the contracts have been signed for the new Sheffield Housing Company, and we can get down to the important business of building homes.”
Keepmoat director of partnerships Eugien Jaruga said: “We look forward to working with Sheffield Council and Great Places Housing Group to deliver high-quality affordable housing for the city, with homes for sale, shared ownership and rent.
Great Places Housing Group chief executive Stephen Porter said: “We're looking forward to working with our partners to revitalise local communities with much-needed new homes.”
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